
Magical Journey with The Beatles

I love the Beatles, and I’m going to try to express my intensely deep affection for them here.

First of all, you should know how I got to like The Beatles. The details are vague, but I know that my interest in them started based on my friend Trevor’s recommendation, or incessant talking about them. Then I heard that my dad’s friend possessed all of The Beatles’ albums. My anticipation for the albums build, I couldn’t wait to get them all and stuff them into my computer. Once I did, it was like I had just started a row of psychedelic dominoes that had just been screaming to be pushed over all of my life. I was beginning to realize that music really did hold a place in my heard, a fact I had strongly denied all my life.

The Beatles got me thinking. “Wow! This stuff is amazing!” I would think and proclaim. The wonderful songs were slowly breaking down my 12 and a half years of irrational prejudice (isn’t most prejudice irrational?) towards music of all kinds. I quickly learned started singing along with the songs, screaming along with all my heart when Paul McCartney played at the Superbowl which was just totally amazing. I phoned Trevor when it was on, and we both expressed our uttermost excitement. So as you can see, their impact on me has been truly great.

An interesting thing I’ve realized with my love of the Beatles is this very widespread community they created. The thing that greatly helped me to realize this community was this shirt I got for christmas. It has the “Let it Be” album cover on it. The pictures of the four are great on it. They’re either smiling a really authentic and joyous smile or singing. I think it really touches peoples’ hearts when they see it, with random people sharing their experience of the Beatles with me, and they’re always really ecstatic when they’re saying it all, it’s really wonderful. I love it when this happens, because it creates a window into someone else's life which with you can both relate to each-other with.

An extension of the little community it creates, with Trevor, every time someone says something remotely to do with The Beatles, our eyes instantly meet, and we complete the sentence (ex. The other person says “Come...”, we say “Come TOGETHER, right now, over me” we sing.)

Now a bit on the Beatles themselves, or an aspect of them that I’m quite fascinated with, drugs (I’m not though). Apparently The Beatles took quite a bit of them, even though it was the 60’s and all, but I think The Beatles were different in a way. They took LSD and all, but were able to retain their joyful spirit through the process. This experience was vital to their music. It’s great how in the end they’ve realized that it was possible to live their lives without chemicals.

Overall, they’re an amazing band that contributed to music greatly. They’ve opened a countless number of hearts and souls and sang pure love and great spirit into them!


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